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What are the best tools with AI today?

Today’s world is moving forward non-stop. Technologies arrived, not only to stay, but to update at an extremely fast pace where it is important that any company has AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools and in this article we will show you which are the best.

Artificial Intelligence has had a great impact on the way we work today, making companies and workers have better efficiency and get jobs done in a much shorter time. Therefore, any company that wants to expand is seriously evaluating how this technology works, which grows dramatically every day.

The automatic learning that occurs with AI allows data retrieval, analysis and results to be generated in record time compared to the human resource performing the same task. This has created fear about the scope that this type of technological intelligence may have to the point of completely replacing humanity.

However, people have realized that, far from being a danger, there are Artificial Intelligence tools that are useful to improve work.

Among the benefits that can be found with these tools are accuracy, improved algorithms, time efficiency, problem solving and decision making, risk reduction and security and fraud detection. More than an enemy, Artificial Intelligence serves as an ally and these are the main tools in this field.


Many times scheduling meetings and appointments, as well as setting reminders in the agenda is chaos. This tool is special for this because it works only by sending a notice in Slack or Notion.

Xembly is a kind of virtual personal assistant summarizes the main points discussed during meetings. Also the tool is useful for remembering tasks and setting schedules on all platforms.


This tool specializes in managing both equipment and products at the same time. It includes Artificial Intelligence chats that can make it easier for managers to work in project development and productivity.

Taskade functions as a kind of personal secretary that ensures that the person is not late or absent from the meetings or tasks assigned to him. It also makes collaboration seamless and provides a detailed overview of the progress made on a product, with version control ensuring your work is always found.

It also contributes to making collaboration between employees and the company more fluid and offers a detailed description of all the processes involved in a product.


Its main merit is to automate everything involved in the data entry process by analyzing documents and extracting only the required data. This makes this work faster and more orderly.

The tool helps users capture invoice data as well as receipts or purchase orders. In addition to the above, Nanonet also provides a wide range of online converters such as PDF to Excel, image to text, searchable PDF, PDF to text, barcode scanner, QR code scanner and website scraper.


The job of this paraphrasing tool is to eliminate errors in writing. It also creates perfectly structured documents and grammar checking to ensure grammatically correct copy, plagiarism checker and a generator that allows for a higher chance of the work being cited.

Quillbot is currently available in more than 20 languages including English, Chinese, French, German, and more.

Se trata de una herramienta que contribuye a la creación de textos para páginas web, contenidos para redes sociales, email marketing, entre otras funciones. 

The tool will create a personalized message for your lead; This helps increase the productivity of your marketing team.

Como se explicó, ayuda a crear una amplia gama de contenidos como: copia de ventas, de páginas web, material para blog y anuncio digital. Además de perfeccionar la información que se publica en las redes sociales que son un motor importante para el campo empresarial en la actualidad.


Genei is a tool whose mission is research. It allows users to organize and manage any information in a more efficient way.

Esta herramienta es ideal para fines académicos y profesionales. También resulta muy útil para redacción de contenido, carga un archivo PDF y hacer un resumen que señale las palabras clave que se necesitan dentro del archivo.

As can be seen with its best tools, Artificial Intelligence is not an enemy that will put the work of others at risk, but will be responsible for facilitating and making it more efficient so that the results are accurate and minimizing the possibility of errors.