Author: R M
Currently, startups have to fight to get their place on the internet. Therefore, every entrepreneur must know digital marketing strategies and, in...
Keys to local SEO for your business to succeed in your city
Written by R M on .
Actualmente, cada búsqueda y clic puede significar una oportunidad de negocio, el SEO local se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para...
7 Misconceptions About SEO in 2024
Written by R M on .
Even in 2024, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is still the first step for those who want to improve their online visibility. However, as strategies...
Immersive marketing with virtual and augmented reality
Written by R M on .
El marketing ha evolucionado hacia formas más interactivas y envolventes, permitiendo a las marcas conectar con su audiencia de maneras antes inimaginables....
Benefits of AI Automation
Written by R M on .
La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para empresas y profesionales que buscan optimizar sus procesos y...
How to use technology in customer service?
Written by R M on .
Not only has customer service technology become an essential element in meeting these expectations, but it also offers an unprecedented opportunity...
How does consumer psychology influence digital marketing?
Written by R M on .
Understanding consumer psychology has become a cornerstone for the most effective marketing strategies. Not only does this deep understanding allow...
Quick Guide: Neuromarketing and its application in advertising
Written by R M on .
For brands to become relevant today, they must stand out, so it is necessary to maintain innovation and be at the forefront with technological tools,...
2024 Networking Hacks: 5 powerful strategies to boost Your Career
Written by R M on .
Este año el Networking 2024 será diferente a cualquier otro en la historia del mundo empresarial. Podemos crear nuevas relaciones comerciales con solo...
5 Digital Branding Strategies for Startups
Written by R M on .
El branding digital es la actividad de crear una marca dentro de los medios digitales. Al igual que el marketing busca satisfacer una necesidad a través...