Author: R M
Emerging platforms are a great alternative for brands and content creators looking to expand their reach and connect with new audiences. However, harnessing...
Quality or Quantity?: The Importance of Links in SEO
Written by R M on .
The importance of links in web positioning is undeniable. Both the quantity and quality of links pointing towards a website can significantly influence...
SEO for Videos: How to Optimize Your Audiovisual Content
Written by R M on .
Today, videos are one of the most consumed and shared formats by users. However, creating attention-grabbing videos isn’t enough; we also need...
Complete Guide to Google Analytics for Beginners
Written by R M on .
If you’re just starting out in the world of web analytics, you’ve probably already heard about Google Analytics, a free service offered...
Product development with customer feedback
Written by R M on .
Customer feedback is a crucial tool for businesses looking to not only survive but thrive. In today’s competitive market, product development...
Innovations in Chatbots and Customer Support
Written by R M on .
Las innovaciones en chatbots han revolucionado la manera en que las empresas interactúan con sus clientes, mejorando la experiencia de usuario y optimizando...
Sensory Marketing: How to Appeal to the Senses
Written by R M on .
El marketing sensorial se está convirtiendo rápidamente en una herramienta esencial para las marcas que buscan destacar en un mercado abarrotado. Al...
SEO Competitor Analysis: A Complete Guide
Written by R M on .
Realizar un análisis de competencia SEO es crucial para destacar en un mercado saturado. Este proceso involucra estudiar a fondo las estrategias SEO...
How to adapt your content strategy to the voice of the customer
Written by R M on .
La voz del cliente es un componente crucial en la estrategia de contenido de cualquier marca que aspire a destacarse. Comprender y aplicar este concepto...
Storytelling in Marketing: How to Tell Stories That Sell
Written by R M on .
El storytelling es una herramienta poderosa que, cuando se emplea adecuadamente, puede transformar una estrategia comercial común en una experiencia...