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The power of backlinks in your SEO

Backlinks are links within a web content that can take the user to another page with information of interest. These are perfect tools to delve into what you want to inform, to keep the reader on the page or to take them to yours from another platform.

It is a perfect tool to improve the SEO strategy, as research has shown that pages that are positioned in the first places of search engines have up to 6 times more backlinks than those that do not.

En la búsqueda de una estructura de texto más eficiente para la atracción de los lectores, el SEO es fundamental y los backlinks tienen mucho que ver en esto. Son esenciales en un mundo web tan competitivo actualmente para que la estrategia de SEO cumpla su función de una manera óptima.

Suppose we have a web page or blog about oral health. The backlinks or incoming links will take us to other related content such as dentistry, strategies to maintain a perfect denture or more advanced dental tools just to name a few examples.

Whoever makes a link to our article seeks that his reader expands the information he has about the content he is looking for. Backlinks make Google “think”, especially that the page has more relevant content and improves the positioning of your blog.

Reader traffic increases

They are one of the best strategies to increase the traffic of readers of a page. It is not about giving importance to the links themselves, but to the page that contains them. Although Google has not revealed how its algorithm works, what is evident is that pages with more internal links in their SEO structure are more powerful in search engine positioning.

It is proven that people looking for information stay in the first list that appears in Google, so it is important to have a well-structured content so that the user clicks on our content.

Backlinks improve SEO strategy because they improve domain and page authority, make it easier for search engines to crawl, and drive user traffic to your website.

These internal links do not necessarily need to be added within the text. They can be placed at the end of the note as “Read also” or be part of an image or a button.

The quality of the entries is important for search engine positioning and it is necessary that we know what are the key points to find quality backlinks.

The first thing we have to do is really look at the quality of the content to which we are redirecting the reader through internal links. It is important that it is valuable content. In this way it is possible that this content is shared and also linked to other web pages.

Another important tool to make sure we have good backlinks is guest blogging also known as “guest writing”. It’s about writing articles for high-importance, well-positioned websites and building links for your own blog. In addition to putting an expert in your way, you’ll get backlinks back to your page.

Using social networks to share content is also a good way to have quality internal inputs. It is a spectacular tool to enhance the content of the pages and increase the chances that users visit the web.

You can conduct an original study and keep an eye on the competition

A quality backlink can also be the product of an original article resulting from in-depth research. It is always interesting to read articles that no one else touches and here the importance of research for unique content.

If you create original backlinks you increase the likelihood that other websites will cite your article and their users will also go to your content.

Another important point is that the links are introduced as naturally as possible in the text. This will help the reader not to see it as an isolated point, but as a reference to be interested in when reading.

You can also include your backlink on your Linkedin profile or by adding your website to high-quality content aggregators.

In order for your backlinks to be of quality and improve your SEO strategy , it is also important that you look at what the competition is doing. In particular, evaluate pages that have the same content, but rank better than you. Research what links your competitors are making and apply the best internal links you can get.

SEO is extremely important to ensure a good positioning in search engines and, without a doubt, backlinks help us to make this strategy work in a better way.