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The Impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO in 2024

Core Web Vitals en el SEO

Having a strong online presence is not only essential, but it has become indispensable for any business looking to stand out. As consumers continue to turn to the internet to meet their needs, SEO strategies have evolved, becoming a crucial component of digital marketing.

Therefore, we are going to analyze how Core Web Vitals are impacting SEO in 2024 and what strategies you can implement to increase your online visibility and attract more traffic to your website.

1. Core web vitals: the new reference in technical SEO

Introduced by Google, Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics designed to measure the user’s experience on a web page. These metrics focus on three key aspects:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures the time it takes for a page’s main content to load.
  • First Input Delay (FID): It measures interactivity and the time it takes for a page to respond to the user’s first interaction.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): It measures the visual stability of a page by preventing unexpected layout changes.

These factors have become a fundamental criterion for Google when ranking pages in search results. Optimizing your website to meet these standards is crucial to maintaining and improving your SERP rankings.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research remains the first step in any effective SEO strategy. However, in 2024, it’s not just about finding terms with high search volume, but also about identifying keywords that match the user’s intent and improve their experience on the site. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are still essential, but now you need to combine them with user behavior analytics to better understand what they’re searching for and how users interact with the content.

Let’s say you have a landscaping business. You do a keyword search and find that the phrase “indoor plant care” has a high search volume, but when analyzing user behavior, you realize that they are looking for visual content like videos or images step-by-step. By creating content that combines optimized text with visual assets, you improve the user experience and, therefore, your rankings.

3. Optimized and user-centric content creation

Once you’ve identified your keywords, the next step is to create content that not only engages users but is also optimized for search engines and improves the user experience. This involves:

  • Use keywords in strategic places such as the title, headings, and throughout the content.
  • Include visual elements such as images and videos.
  • Make sure the content is easily readable and accessible on mobile devices.

If you decide to write an article about “plants that purify the air,” be sure to include this phrase in the title, subheadings, and body text. In addition, it includes infographics or explanatory videos to improve user interaction and their permanence on the page.

4. Improving Technical SEO with a Focus on Core Web Vitals

Technical SEO is still a crucial part of search engine success, and with the addition of Core Web Vitals, it has become even more important. Some key measures include:

  • Charging speed optimization: Make sure your website loads in less than 2.5 seconds to meet LCP standards.
  • Reduced input latency: Work on your site’s interactivity to reduce FID.
  • Improve visual stability: Avoid unexpected design changes that can affect CLS.

If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you may lose potential users. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse can help you identify ways to improve your site’s speed and interactivity.

Building links is still critical to improving your domain authority and, therefore, your search engine rankings. In 2024, link quality is more important than ever. Instead of focusing on the number of links, look to get quality links from relevant and trusted sites in your niche.

Collaborate with other bloggers or experts in your industry by making guest posts on recognized sites. By doing so, you will not only get quality links, but you will also increase your network of contacts and visibility.

6. Data analysis and continuous adjustments

SEO is a constantly evolving process. To maintain and improve your rankings, it’s essential to continuously monitor your results and make adjustments accordingly. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console will allow you to see which strategies are working and which ones need to be changed.

If you notice that some pages on your site have a high bounce rate, it may be necessary to review the content, user experience, or even loading speed on these pages to make them more attractive.

In 2024, Core Web Vitals have established themselves as an essential component of technical SEO, and their impact on search engine rankings is undeniable.

Implementing these strategies will not only help you increase your online visibility, but also improve the user experience, which in turn translates into increased traffic and conversions. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process and requires patience and dedication. So start optimizing your site for long-term results today.